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SPH Publications

Destiny Rescue

The GFH™ TV S1Ep2 “The Torch” with Paul Mergard

Aug 4, 2022 | Uncategorized

**We want to share that some topics in this video may be triggering for some. We will be discussing topics related to child sex trafficking and sexual abuse, and so if this could be too distressing for you, it might be best to skip this one.

We are speaking with the wonderful Paul Mergard who will share the work of Destiny Rescue. To ground you all in some stats, Over 1 million children are exploited by sex trafficking, and 70% of these children are trafficked from the Asia Pacific region. $11million is generated by sex traffckers every hour. This is a huge issue, and one that Destiny Rescue is on the path to defeat.

The Girlfriend Hour TV podcast is now available on your favourite podcast platforms. Listen to this episode on Spotify!

You can learn more about Paul and his works by clicking on the links below.

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